写真 © Murat Germen

Istanbul Sapphire


Being the capital to three empires throughout its history, at the crossroad between East and West, Istanbul symbolizes interaction, transformation and development; the City has been the center of commercial control and coordination, thanks to its geography; today the city maintains these functions at its "Central Business Districts- CBD". The Levent-Maslak axis that developed during the last two decades is the main CBD of Istanbul. In the process of becoming a metropolis and an international hub with a population of more then 10 million people, Istanbul is going through a fast urban transformation, in parallel with the changing economic and social structure. Industrial production zones have started to move to the periphery while administration and control units are getting closer to the city center. Industrial production sector being replaced by the service sector, Buyukdere region has been developing align with the global changes and contemporary needs, as its infrastructure is appropriate in terms of communications and high technology. In the last few decades, especially due to increasing use of automobiles, luxury condominiums have been established in the suburbs of Istanbul, like in many other metropolises around the world. Recently, major investments in residential complexes are also contributing to bringing life back to city center; mix-use complexes and high rise residential towers arise or industrial buildings transform into elegant homes, designer lofts or idiosyncratic spots. The construction of prestigious international buildings adds a permanent economic and aesthetic value to this zone.  

Istanbul Sapphire, a residential-led, leisure and shopping center project, which is located in the "business administration" center of the city, is the highest structure in Istanbul.   The building rises in agreement with the surrounding high-rises and still in human scale by means of nature-friendly facilities like vertical gardens.  In addition to the comfort provided by the modern technology, Istanbul Sapphire has the infrastructure and the location that will ensure easy transportation. Owing to the metro connection and the 6 underground car-park levels, the transportation and the parking problems are solved. The building façade consists of two independent shells. The interiors are protected from adverse weather conditions and noise on account of the outer shell. This transparent shell also serves as a buffer zone between the indoor area and the outside, and has a positive effect on structural solutions. In different levels of the building, there are 187 residences of different sizes; the building is planned as 4 separate housing zones, and in the 4 common areas between the sections; there are various social areas and naturally ventilated indoor gardens for the residents of the building: these buffer zones also house the maintenance and support facilities and the mechanical systems of the building. Environmental friendly systems of the construction grant low energy consumption up to 30%. Furthermore, the green areas, namely the indoor gardens at various levels, offer a natural and a warm setting for those living at higher levels as well. Besides the inner gardens, every ninth floor recreation areas, such as a mini golf course with a great Bosporus view or a swimming pool overlooking the woods of Istanbul. Viewed from the outside, the building gets slightly thinner as it rises upward. As of the fourth level, it expands downwards and the glass covering the surface of the building earns a sort curve and then extends horizontally as the skirt of the building, which covers the cafés, bars, restaurants, cinemas and stores, maintaining the integrity of the retail and social zone. This area, designed especially for high-quality brand shopping, is perceived as a multi-layered, dynamic, large single space. This wide space benefits natural light to the maximum extent, and in addition to the stores in this broad area, as of the basement, four levels of shopping zone have been planned in the ground floors. A part of the 6-storey car park has been reserved as storage areas for the residents and for other storage services. The residents benefit the 360 degree spectacle panoramas at the highest point of the city. The 261-meter hi-technology Tower possesses a smart cityscape, being the highest structure of the city, the very top floor is reserved as an observation deck for public use.

写真 © Emre Dörter
写真 © Thomas Mayer
写真 © Thomas Mayer
写真 © Helene Binet
写真 © Helene Binet

Istanbul Sapphire


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