Chile, Pudeto Wooden School

Pudeto, Ancud, Chile

1.040 children from fisherman families in Pudeto neighbourhood, Chilean Patagonia, had a steel
school from the 70s in extremely bad conditions. In 2004 they could not use anymore the school
because the metal building was totally rusted by the salty sea environment.
The main goal of this project is (e)quality ‘Social Equality and Architecture Quality’ We used our
method Cultural Architecture to increase in 50% the square meters of the school with the same
public budget. The Chilean public policy for schools said that each building must be built in cement
and iron in order to have a life of 50 years with minimum maintenance. However in this
archipelago of the Chilean Patagonia was not experience of construction with these materials,
they have rich forest which means that they build with native wood. We expended 4 years to
convince the government to build the school with wood and getting a bigger school and also give
jobs to the local parents and carpenters.

We built 4.500 m2 in a construction which shows; the local identity, proudness and belonging to
their culture, children who knows the forest environment, and also this building will not get rusty
anymore by the salt of the Pacific ocean.
AWARD: Finalist 13th Triennale of Sophia INTERACH Bulgaria 2012

Architecture & Human Rights (ARCH+H.R.)
Gral Baquedano 183, 5710573 Pudeto, Ancud, Chile
Ancud Commune, Chilean Ministry of Education
Jorge Lobos
Associate Architects

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: Puri Sierra Gorda: An Artificial Oasis in The Atacama Desert
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