Decolonizing Urban Planning in Lagos

Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria
Fabienne Hoelzel, Aro Ismaila
Partner Organization
Heinrich Böll Foundation Abuja

The capacity enhancing project for young planning professionals and PhD students aimed at deconstructing White male thinking by reading and discussing literature from Tsitsi Dangarembga, Achille Mbembe, Lilian Thuram, and Felwine Sarr.

In a second step, the study group analyzed the elitist thinking behind the 2052 Lagos State Development Plan, published in late 2022 by the Lagos State Government. The papers were summarized in a short essay, that will be published in 2024.

In a third step, the study group formulated suggestions for a “Decolonized LSDP 2052”, based on the Fair Shared City approach.

Applications closed in early March 2023. The program run from May to November 2023 in Lagos, Nigeria. The participants were awarded a certificate of attendance.

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