Heimtextil 2025 – Interior. Architecture. Hospitality. – January 14 - 16 – Frankfurt am Main
The Talks+Tours and Guided Tours will begin at Hall 4.0 Both F31, Texpertise Stage and last approximately two hours.
14. January 2025, Tuesday

Guided Tour #01:
Marina Cella
»La bellezza che chiude il cerchio | The beauty that closes the circle«
- External Reference Studio, Barcelona | www.externalreference.com
- January 14th, Tuesday, 13:00 – 14:30
- Meeting Point: Hall 4.0, F31 | Texpertise Stage
Tour in Italian
»La bellezza che chiude il cerchio | The beauty that closes the circle«
Chiudere il cerchio è un gesto estetico che rinnova il nostro sguardo, invitandoci a sentire ogni fibra, scoprire l’eco dei colori e comprendere la trama dell’effimero. Completare il ciclo dei materiali è il cuore pulsante del nostro design contemporaneo—un invito a cambiare prospettiva e a scoprire una bellezza che prima trascuravamo, racchiusa nella naturalezza e nell’autenticità. È un percorso per lasciarsi alle spalle l'immagine imposta, svelare la bellezza sempre trascurata del grezzo e dell'imperfetto. Così proiettiamo il futuro su una nuova tela, dove tessuti e interni emergono dalla loro essenza, insegnandoci a vedere e a comprendere realmente i materiali in un modo nuovo.
Closing the circle is an aesthetic gesture that renews the gaze, teaches us to feel every fibre, to unveil the echo of colours, and to understand the texture of the ephemeral. Closing the circle of materials is the pulse of our creation today, an invitation to change perspective and to discover, in the raw and the pure, a beauty that we previously ignored. It is like erasing the imposed image, undoing the lines of what has already been said, and finding, in the rusticity and the roughness the harmony of the imperfect, of the mutable. It is projecting the future onto a new canvas, where fabrics and interior design come to life from their essence and teach us to see-to think the materials.
Marina Cella
Marina Cella è un'architetta senior con una vasta esperienza nel campo dell'architettura residenziale, specializzata nella progettazione di case unifamiliari e appartamenti. Vanta una solida competenza nella leadership e gestione di progetto e attualmente sta svolgendo un dottorato di ricerca in architettura, con un focus su energia e ambiente, presso l'Università Politecnica della Catalogna (UPC). Marina ha inoltre condiviso la sua esperienza come docente presso la scuola LCI, tenendo masterclass su tematiche ambientali.
Marina Cella is an accomplished Senior Architect with extensive experience in residential architecture, particularly in designing architecture and interior spaces for single-family homes and apartments. She has a strong track record in leadership and project management roles. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in architecture with a specialization in energy and the environment at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Marina has also shared her knowledge as a professor at LCI School, where she conducted master classes on environmental topics.

Labóh, Barcelona
15. January 2025, Wednesday

Talk+Tour #01:
Veronika Aumann
»Materiality & Physicality«
- Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart | www.abk-stuttgart.de
- January 15th, Wednesday, 12:15 – 14:30
- Meeting Point: Hall 4.0, F31 | Texpertise Stage
Talk+Tour in English
Mit der Teilnahme an dieser fachbezogenen Fortbildungsveranstaltung können Mitglieder der Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen (AKH) 1 Fortbildungspunkt gemäß § 3 der Fortbildungsordnung der AKH erwerben. Die Teilnahme kann ebenfalls bei der Architektenkammern, Baden-Württemberg, Thüringen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Sachsen als Fortbildung eingereicht werden.
»Materiality & Physicality«
Where and in what way do textiles engage with us in space? How does their material flatness behave in the realm of the three-dimensional? What can the delicate density, the flowing softness and the elegant fullness of textiles effect? Guided by these questions, we look at project examples and embark on a tour through the materiality and physicality of textiles in space.
Veronika Aumann
Prof. Veronika Aumann (*1985 in Munich) is a textile designer and researcher. She lives and works in Berlin and is head of the Textile Design course at the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart. Her focus is on new materials and technologies, she is interested in the physicality of textiles and fascinated by the contradictory nature of virtual haptics. Veronika Aumann is the initiator of the Task Force Textiles, part of the Forschungskreis - Erkenntnis im Design und in den Künsten, co-founder of the Verein der Gestaltung Berlin e.V., member of the Mart-Stam-Gesellschaft and the design collective Beyond Materials. In 2018 she received a scholarship for artistic research from the Federal Environment Agency. From 2019 to 2021 she was a doctoral student in the artistic PhD program PhDArts at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts in Leiden (NL) and worked on an unfinished PhD on the topic of 'Digital Materials'. Through lectures, workshops, publications and exhibitions, she takes an active position in the current design discourse. Veronika Aumann is a fan of Anni Albers, 1.FC Union Berlin and her three-year-old son.

World-Architects | Zürich
16. January 2025, Thursday

Talk+Tour #02:
Sophie Green
»sustainable abundance – design interiors for a circular future«
- Sophie Green Interior Architecture, Brüssel | www.sophiegreen.eu
- January 16th, Thursday, 12:15 – 14:30
- Meeting Point: Hall 4.0, F31 | Texpertise Stage
Talk+Tour in English
Mit der Teilnahme an dieser fachbezogenen Fortbildungsveranstaltung können Mitglieder der Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen (AKH) 1 Fortbildungspunkt gemäß § 3 der Fortbildungsordnung der AKH erwerben. Die Teilnahme kann ebenfalls bei der Architektenkammern, Baden-Württemberg, Thüringen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Sachsen als Fortbildung eingereicht werden.
»sustainable abundance – design interiors for a circular future«
Exploring how sustainable interior architecture embraces abundance through circular design. Join us as we dive into innovative reuse, modularity, and regenerative materials that transform interiors into spaces of beauty and resilience—proving that luxury and sustainability can go hand in hand.
Sophie Green
Sophie Green is a German-American interior architect and the founder of the Brussels-based design studio sophiegreen. A graduate of Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences, she specializes in sustainable, analytical, and conceptual designs for public and private projects across Germany and Belgium. Her notable works include office and educational projects, library renovations for the Goethe-Institut in cities like Nairobi, Zagreb, and Dhaka, as well as her role as an external expert as experienced interior architect for the European Parliament. Advocating for building within the already build environment and circular economy principles, Sophie is an active member of the German Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK) and board member-elect of the European Council of Interior Architects (ECIA), where she continues to shape the professional and political future of the interior architectural field.

World-Architects | Zürich
Heimtextil Preview

Textile Stories: Heimtextil 2025
Heimtextil is the world's leading trade fair for home and contract textiles. The next edition will take place from January 14 to 17, 2025 under the motto "Connected by Textiles." More than 3,000 exhibitors from over 60 countries are expected to attend.
Textile Stories: Heimtextil 2025- World-Architects Team
- Ursula Pfingstgraf
- Renato Turri
- Contact
Ursula Pfingstgraf
- Messe Frankfurt GmbH
- Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
- DE-60327 Frankfurt am Main
- heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com