ISH 2019 - The world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water - Impressions

#01 Talk + Tour : Elisabeth Endres «HighTech vs LowTech»
- Elisabeth Endres, IB Hausladen, München |
Visited booths:
Stiebel Eltron | Guntamatic | Digel Sticktech / Digel Heat | Sauter-Cumulus | Trox | Kiefer | Rehau
HighTech vs LowTech
„In the course of the decreasing availability of fossil fuels and the resulting need for action, new approaches have been followed in the construction industry in recent years. The optimization of the building envelopes and the use of technical systems represent an essential adjustment factor. This development of new building materials, technologies and planning tools offers a variety of possible solutions, but the number of failure increases with growing complexity. Lack of success and no longer controllable planning, implementation and operating processes require a rethink towards simple solutions through holistic designs. In the development of building concepts, IB Hausladen understands "low-tech" less in the sense of "no tech" than in the sense of robustness against uncertain boundary conditions and develops strategies between passive and active components in the building design.“ Dipl.-Ing. (univ.) Elisabeth Endres

#02 Talk + Tour : Peter Ippolito «Body & Soul»
- Peter Ippolito, IF Group, Stuttgart, Berlin, Shanghai, Hamburg, Moscow, Zürich |
Visited booths:
Toto | Dornbracht | Alape | Antonio Lupi | Laufen | Vitra | Gessi | Hansgrohe Axor
Body & Soul
„Future bathrooms suggest a lot of connectivity in a place where we usually spend time by ourselves. Digitization is changing our view of things, but in our perception, the bathroom remains a calming retreat from the always-accessible life, a place that fulfils the yearning for oneself. As a material-oriented world of experience, the bathroom thus continues to be the perfect place to harmonize body and soul.“ Peter Ippolito
March 12 Tours

Digital bathroom worlds
„Choreographed water scenarios that appeal to all the senses through sound, light, temperature, and fragrance and turn the private bathroom into a wellness oasis, sustainable water consumption through optimally pre-set programs, safety alerts that make it possible to shut down appliances and water supply remotely in an emergency - digitalization has long since made its way into our homes. Join me in the world of digital, connected bathrooms.“ Martin Wiedenmann

#04 Guided Tour : Alexander Brenner «Brandneues, Neues und Bewährtes»
- Alexander Brenner, ALEXANDER BRENNER Architekten, Stuttgart |
Visited booths:
Zucchetti.Kos | Dornbracht | Alape | Bette | Gessi | Viessmann | Etherma | Welltherm
Brandneues, Neues und Bewährtes
„Bei der größten Weltleitmesse ISH wollen wir innerhalb des vielfältigen Angebots den Neuerungen und zukunftsweisenden Themen nachgehen. So werden wir Neues zum Thema des ressourcenschonenden Umgangs kennenlernen aber auch neue Gestaltungs- und Funktionsansätze sehen.Darüber hinaus werden wir uns aber auch gezielt mit gut gemachten, dauerhaften und bewährten Produkten beschäftigen und sicherlich auch „Blumen“ am Wegesrand finden.“ Alexander Brenner
March 13 Tour

#05 Guided Tour : Anna Philipp «Funktion vs Schönheit»
- Anna Philipp, PHILIPPARCHITEKTEN, Waldenburg |
Visited booths:
Toto | Zucchetti.Kos | Dornbracht | Alape | inbani | Kaldewei | Falper | burgbad | Antonio Lupi | Decor Walther | Ceramica Flaminia | Woodio | Axor (hansgrohe)
Funktion vs Schönheit
Das Industriezeitalter und die Moderne waren massiv geprägt vom „form-follows-function-Postulat“ der Chicagoer Schule. Es ist endlich an der Zeit für die Renaissance der Schönheit einzutreten, appelliert die Architektin Anna Philipp. Schönheit muss wieder ein valides Kriterium für Gestaltung werden. Dabei geht es ihr nicht um ein Entweder-oder sondern um das harmonische Miteinander, die Synthese von Schönheit und Funktion. Wo sich auf der ISH Beispiele dafür finden, zeigt diese Guided Tour von und mit Anna Philipp.

#06 Guided Tour : Tina Kammer «Contemporary & holistic»
- Tina Kammer, InteriorPark., Stuttgart |
Visited booths:
Dornbracht | Alape | Bette | Falper | Roca | Laufen | Duravit | Ceramica Globo | Woodio | Axor (hansgrohe)
Tina Kammer Contemporary & holistic
„It’s all about water – but what makes the difference? During our tour we will talk with manufacturers about their holistic approach towards innovative, sustainable production processes. How do they develop new collections with contemporary design, new surfaces and future-orientated technologies.“ Tina Kammer
March 14 Tour

#07 Guided Tour : Prof. Markus Pfeil «Kreuz und quer zu innovativen Produkten»
- Prof. Markus Pfeil, Pfeil & Koch ingenieurgesellschaft, Köln, Stuttgart |
Visited booths:
Naturspeicher GmbH | Solid Power | ÖkoFEN | Guntamatic | PELLTECH | HOWATHERM | LTG | Kiefer | bluMartin | Lindner | TECE |
Kreuz und quer zu innovativen Produkten
„Markus Pfeil hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Projekte ganzheitlich und mit hohem gestalterischem Ansatz zu entwickeln. Der Pfad durch die ISH führt zu innovativen, energieeffizienten und integrierten TGA-Produkten, die man gesehen haben muss. contempory approaches“ Markus Pfeil

#08 Guided Tour : Martina Metzner «Highlights Tour»
- Martina Metzner, abaut - editorial office for design and architecture, Frankfurt am Main |
Visited booths:
inbani | Kaldewei | Bette | Duravit | Ceramica Globo | Antonio Lupi | Laufen | burgbad | Gessi | Tubes | Decor Walther | Woodio | Grohe |
Highlights Tour
What are the most interesting novelties at ISH 2019? Martina Metzner's Highlights Tour takes you to the most exciting collections and innovative products in bathroom design.
ISH 2019 Follow-up Report and Interview with Prof. Markus Pfeil
Wenn die Dusche spricht
When the shower starts talking
Es geht um die Ausgewogenheit
ISH Guided Tours 2019
Impressions ISH 2019 (Duration: 3:18 min.)- Feedback and requests
- Peter Petz |