Photo © Oliver Jaist

The Klinikum rechts der Isar, the teaching hospital attached to the Technical University of Munich, accommodates a total of 33 specialist clinics and departments under a single roof. The construction of the new North Surgery Center extends the existing comb structure of the Neurology & Head Center. Via a slightly raised forecourt, a flight of steps leads visitors to the glass entrance hall of the extension, which also serves as a new lobby for the existing building. Alongside eight operating theaters, the extension also has normal and intensive care wards, as well as internal physicians’ duty areas.

GFA: 12,800 m²
GV: 41,950 m³
VOF Commissioning: 11/2009
Completion: 08/2017
Capacity: 28 Beds / 8 Operating theaters

Photo © Oliver Jaist
Photo © Oliver Jaist

Operating Center North - Hospital Rechts der Isar

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Munich, Germany
Freistaat Bayern

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Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB)
Potsdam, Germany
Eschborn, Germany
Gleis Park
Berlin, Germany