

Advocacy for the people of Precious Seeds,…

Lagos, Nigeria, 2023

Since 2021, FABULOUS URBAN | NIGERIA FOUNDATION has been active in the Precious Seeds Community, part of the Oworonshoki neighborhood. Am...

AS+P Albert Speer + Partner

Integrierte Planung Badya City

Cairo, Ägypten, 2016 - 2019

Integrierte Planung der gemischt genutzten Entwicklung: AS+P entwickelte den Masterplan für 150.000 Bewohner und entwarf das architektoni...

Costa Lopes Arq

Solar Village

Catete, Angola, 2012

Aldeia Solar (Solar Village) lies on the banks of Lake Lalama in the Town of Cabiri, some 50 km from the Angolan capital. On a ridge line...

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