

Advocacy for the people of Precious Seeds,…

Lagos, Nigeria, 2023

Since 2021, FABULOUS URBAN | NIGERIA FOUNDATION has been active in the Precious Seeds Community, part of the Oworonshoki neighborhood. Am...

AS+P Albert Speer + Partner

Integrierte Planung Badya City

Cairo, Egypt, 2016 - 2019

Integrierte Planung der gemischt genutzten Entwicklung: AS+P entwickelte den Masterplan für 150.000 Bewohner und entwarf das architektoni...

Costa Lopes Arq

Solar Village

Catete, Angola, 2012

A Aldeia Solar situa-se nas margens do lago Lalama, na Comuna do Cabiri, a cerca de 50 km da capital. Sobre uma linha de cumeeira com lar...

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